
October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month!

By editor / October 3, 2022 / Comments Off on October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month!

October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month! Are you or someone you know experiencing domestic violence? Let’s break the silence! If you are a victim of domestic violence, please go to a trusted source. You can visit RAFTcares or to get ideas on how to take immediate action. You can also call the National Domestic…

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Tip #10: Cherish your friends!

By editor / September 22, 2022 / Comments Off on Tip #10: Cherish your friends!

Tip #10 for living the best years ahead of you…cherish your friends and allow them to leave if they must. While on vacation in Iceland in early Sept 2022, I met a delightful woman. We spent a total of 75 mins together, in a hotel lobby! So, no real privacy and yet, our connection was…

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Tip #9: Dress with color and be seen!

By editor / September 12, 2022 / Comments Off on Tip #9: Dress with color and be seen!

Tip #9 at living the best years ahead of you…dress with color and be seen! There were decades when I had two sets of clothes. The first were those items that were “presentable” and did not draw attention to myself. The second set were the clothes that I felt good in. The second set was…

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Tip #8: Use eyes and ears to see and hear wrongs in the world

By editor / September 8, 2022 / Comments Off on Tip #8: Use eyes and ears to see and hear wrongs in the world

Tip #8 at living the best years ahead of you: use your eyes and ears to see and hear the wrongs in the world AND do your best to fix them. You may not end them, but you must try. Let us start at home and in our familiar communities. What is it about humans…

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Tip #7 – Accept Compliments!

By editor / August 30, 2022 / Comments Off on Tip #7 – Accept Compliments!

Tip #7 of living the best years ahead of you…accept compliments! I have never had a problem giving compliments but receiving them, oof, that takes practice. Some cultures think that giving compliments give people swollen heads. In those cultures, they are quick to point out flaws and make sure to keep you in your rightful…

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Tip #6 – Keep negative self-talk to a minimum!

By editor / August 25, 2022 / Comments Off on Tip #6 – Keep negative self-talk to a minimum!

Tip #6 at living the best years ahead of you: keep negative self-talk to a minimum because it’s damn hard to eradicate it, I have tried, I continue to try. We all know the songs that get very popular and become one hit wonders. We all know the songs that get stuck in our heads…

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Tip #5 – Let people love you as deeply as you love them.

By editor / August 15, 2022 / Comments Off on Tip #5 – Let people love you as deeply as you love them.

Friend, Letting people love us as hard as we love them. This one is hard. Let’s just start here, shall we? I only have the female perspective, that too, a female who started off life with severe and relentless abuse. My first impression of love is warped. I received conditional love. When I decided to…

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Tip #4 – Fail Fast!

By editor / August 9, 2022 / Comments Off on Tip #4 – Fail Fast!

Tip #4 of living the best years ahead of you…fail at many things and learn from each success at failing! When I was young, whenever I failed at something, I was punished. I taught myself to not take risks. I taught myself to live the safe life. I remember wanting to move to France in…

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Tip #3 – Learn Something New!

By editor / August 2, 2022 / Comments Off on Tip #3 – Learn Something New!

Last Friday, I took an all day virtual quilt class. I know how to quilt, but this quilt is an optical illusion. The challenge was not a new way to sew, it was a new way to SEE! I loved the teacher (Dave Sirota) and all the students. We laughed. We cussed, well I cussed…

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Tip #2 – Challenge Yourself!

By editor / July 28, 2022 / Comments Off on Tip #2 – Challenge Yourself!

We are all getting older…and guess what? The best years CAN be ahead! How? Challenge yourself mentally and physically. There was a time in my life when I thought after a certain age, I was done… I was done learning. I was done being. I was done everything. I had arrived! I arrived where? I…

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