

Advocacy Continues

Recently, the Collective of Philanthropic Advocates for Women’s Rights (Collective PAWR) launched in partnership with Every Woman Treaty to further gender equality worldwide. I'm thrilled to share that our first...
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President Biden Has a Chance to Help Women Everywhere. Will He Take It?

President Biden Has a Chance to Help Women Everywhere. Will He Take It? "International treaties outlaw torture and chemical weapons. They hold nations accountable to legal standards around landmines and...
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August is Active Bystander Month

August is Active Bystander Month. The following blog was written by HCDVCC from Houston. You can visit their website here. Please hear the blog in my voice here: ...
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Growth takes time.

The following photos are from different trees in the SAME day and time. The thing that affected each of them was the freeze. The same freeze affected them all! Each...
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Risk. I remember reading this quote a few decades ago and thinking, I'm not even sure what that means. That was because I was not tuned in to "me". I...
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We Must Change Systems!

Our words are entitled even when losing! Girls are shown repeatedly that their strengths do not matter! Click here to read about an Alabama girls' basketball team that was denied...
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Buy Cookies, Make a Difference!

According to the Family and Youth Services Bureau, 38% of domestic violence survivors will experience homelessness at some point. Domestic violence is actually one of the leading causes of homelessness,...
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How do you plan to celebrate LOVE this month? Be sure to include yourself when you are doling out LOVE. Treat yourself to a delicious meal, a good book, perhaps...
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Time Flies!

I woke up today and it was already Jan 20th. In my heart I know that time flies and it saddens me that I often forget. I do not want...
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There are 31,536,000 seconds in 1 year. How many of them will be devoted to REST? Rest looks like different things to everyone. For me, rest is reading and quilting and...
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