
Change the Ink

By editor / November 11, 2019 / Comments Off on Change the Ink

If you are trying to print something and the paper comes out blank, you have a few choices: Assume you “never” get technical things! Assume the printer is broken. Assume there is no paper. Assume there is no ink. It’s good to have a few assumptions against which you can check your reality. When you…

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Grateful to Seth for jump starting my brain.

By editor / November 5, 2019 / Comments Off on Grateful to Seth for jump starting my brain.

“On knowing what you’re doing. It’s pretty easy to know what you’re doing when you’re doing something that you’ve done before. Follow the path. It’s a lot more difficult when the task ahead is not quite the same as what you’ve done before. When wayfinding is required. That’s a different skill. That’s the skill of…

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My dear sisters, you are not alone.

By editor / October 31, 2019 / Comments Off on My dear sisters, you are not alone.

My dear sister, The end of October is here and that means Domestic Violence awareness month is over…AND I will still have you on my mind for the other 11 months of every year. If you ever think you MIGHT be abused, it’s your intuition whispering in your ear. Listen. Here are some questions to…

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Can’t you take a joke?

By editor / October 28, 2019 / Comments Off on Can’t you take a joke?

Is the person asking a professional comedian? No? Then it’s probably not funny to anyone else but them. Tell them that you love and respect professional comedians and that it’s bloody hard work. If they come back with, “you are too sensitive.” You can say, “funny how non funny people hide behind that line.” Remove…

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Thank you, Seth, and it’s on all of us.

By editor / October 21, 2019 / Comments Off on Thank you, Seth, and it’s on all of us.

“There are two ways forward, and both are up to us: First, we can start paying more attention (rewarding) good behavior. And second, we can start modeling precisely the sort of discourse and contributions we hope to see from others. The best antidote to a culture shifting to bad behavior is to re-normalize good behavior.”…

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What I learned from a 10 Year Old Bottle of Wine

By editor / October 14, 2019 / Comments Off on What I learned from a 10 Year Old Bottle of Wine

On September 25, 2019, I welcomed my 66th birthday at Laconda del Capitan in Umbria. Chef Giancarlo was the owner. He invited us to have a 2009 Brunello and I was thrilled. I was transported ten years back to 2009 and here is a list of what stood out: I had not yet started my…

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Can We Really End Domestic Violence?

By editor / October 2, 2019 / Comments Off on Can We Really End Domestic Violence?

The short answer is, “only if we want to.” The shorter answer is, “WE MUST.” If even just one of us has figured out and learned how to stop violence at home, within our own walls and under our own roof, the rest of us have no excuse to not follow suit. Harmful behaviors are…

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