What a joy

On December 13th at 3pm in Rome, I will have the distinct pleasure of meeting His Holiness Pope Francis.

The Pope likes an initiative that I am involved with, that brings empathy and compassion to the worlds schools.

Meeting the Pope was not on my bucket list or any other list I have ever made.

A few months ago, in September 2019, I visited the village of Assisi. Saint Francis of Assisi lived and ministered there. He was a friend of the poor and downtrodden. I think he would have been on board with my dream on ending violence to women and girls. I think he would have told me to never give up.

I had no idea that in the same year I would be meeting his namesake.

I am grateful for the places the work has taken me.

There is so much more to do.

Let’s never give up.


Always on your side,


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