Tip #10: Cherish your friends!

Tip #10 for living the best years ahead of you…cherish your friends and allow them to leave if they must.
While on vacation in Iceland in early Sept 2022, I met a delightful woman. We spent a total of 75 mins together, in a hotel lobby! So, no real privacy and yet, our connection was instant. We laughed and drank and shared stories and laughed more.
Then she floored me with this sentence, “You must have SO MANY friends in Texas.”
A simple sentence that left me speechless.
The short answer is “no, I don’t.”
The long answer is that I used to have lots of friends in Texas, but they all magically disappeared.
I have had to come to terms with “many people do NOT want to be my friend.”
I used to obsess about the why.
I used to wonder what I did wrong.
It turns out, I did nothing wrong and I will never understand the why.
I have a few good friends in Texas and a few more in NY and many more in different states and countries.
If I devote quality time to those people I feel close to, my life will be complete.
My best friend lives on the east coast and we make every effort to meet for days or weeks, not for meals or hours.
She is my ride or die.
What do your friendships look like?
Are you happy when you look at your friend landscape?
What steps can you take to make cultivate new and nurture old friends?
Always on your side,

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