Red Flags

Leading up to Valentine’s Day…

Hey friends,
The article above shows that “too much too soon” is a red flag!
If you are uneasy about how much the new person in your life wants from you, it’s a problem.
You had a life before they came along and you can make room for them, but not to the detriment of all the things you love, even if that’s staying home and having quiet time.
If you think you are being separated from your other friends because “they love you so much” you are probable correct. Ask your friends if they see any behavior changes in you.
Listen to them.
Take their concerns seriously and ask for help from people you trust.
Your intuition can lead you in the right direction, if you listen to it.
One of the most important things to do is to pay attention to your energy before and after your dates and encounters.
You are the expert on you.
Always on your side,

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