Can We Really End Domestic Violence?

The short answer is, “only if we want to.”
The shorter answer is, “WE MUST.

If even just one of us has figured out and learned how to stop violence at home, within our own walls and under our own roof, the rest of us have no excuse to not follow suit.

Harmful behaviors are learned. We practice them and get really good at hurting those we claim to love.

Loving and respectful behaviors can be learned. We can be just as addicted to love and support as we seek to be to hate and rage.

Choose to not speak rather than scream and yell, guess what no one is listening to you anyway!

Screaming does not make you powerful, it makes you weak and ineffective and people do not respect you. They fear you. You can continue to prefer that your loved ones fear you, and one day they will figure it out and walk away.

The choice is ours.
Chose patience over rage.

Do it soon. Our families’ mental health depends on our choices.

Choose love. Choose now.

Always on your side,


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