Who leads? Why not you?

My whole family took a trip to the “Spy Museum” (https://spyscape.com/) in NY the day after Thanksgiving.

Three wonderful things happened:

  1. We had an extra ticket and gave it to a stranger and did not ask for repayment. She was shocked in the best way.
  2. Eight family members had a blast from trying to slap laser lights and surviving the “deception room”, to finding out how sucky our powers of observation were, to trying to solve brain teasers in 5 seconds or less. We left with an assessment and given our assignment.
  3. The lessons on how hard I am on myself really had me feeling like a fraud and failure.

Why did I feel like that?

There were many “stations” where we had to check in and take both personality tests and solve intricate puzzles in 20 seconds or less. I could NEVER do the puzzles and the number sequences kicked my butt!

I was sure I would flunk out of spy school.

But wait…I was chosen to be Spy Master.



It seems my personality tests came out High on Empathy,

Social intelligence, and



Yes, it was a game and I loved it. I was also reminded that what I was taught at school was not what has allowed me to succeed in life.

As Seth Godin said,

We invented the educational regime to produce compliant factory workers. But the most compliant aren’t always suited to be the bravest, the most empathic or the most intuitive.”

Let’s focus on what we do well.

Let’s let others do what they do well.

We don’t need “rocket science” unless we are Rocket Scientists.

Always on your side,

Indrani G.


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