
Here grows two roses.

One has very few petals and one has 5 times the other.

No one ever tells either that they are not a “true” rose!

Both are true to themselves.

I am like the rose with many petals. I have emotional range. I can feel more than anger or non-anger.

I used to have 2 emotions,

  1. Anger
  2. OK (as in “I’m OK”)

Yes, I would rush to push out the words because if I took time to think, I may fall apart from really not being OK.

May is Mental Health Awareness Month! Emotional range is a sign of grounded mental health.

I invite you to identify the last time you felt

  1. Disappointed
  2. Calm
  3. Joy filled
  4. Wonder

Let me know what came up for you.

Always on your side,


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