My dear sisters, you are not alone.

My dear sister,

The end of October is here and that means Domestic Violence awareness month is over…AND I will still have you on my mind for the other 11 months of every year.

If you ever think you MIGHT be abused, it’s your intuition whispering in your ear. Listen.

Here are some questions to consider:

  1. Are you SAFE at home?
  2. Are you ALWAYS safe at home? I mean do you ever feel scared of your partner because of them throwing things at you or at the walls? Do you ever look into their eyes and see hatred for you or your children or family? Have you ever fantasized about “escaping”? Have you ever HAD to dress to HIDE bruises? Have you ever LIED to anyone about HOW you got the bruise?
  3. Do you have access to finances to run your home efficiently?
  4. Are you ever told to not be with friends or family because “they don’t like me” and IF you loved them you would protect them from “those” people?
  5. Have you told anyone the FULL truth about your relationship, or are you too embarrassed?

I invite you to read and reread these questions and answer them to yourself with honest language.

Know this, if you were abused as a child, you may not know that HOME should always be SAFE!

For millions of women, home is the most unsafe place to be. You are NOT alone.

Reach out to a local shelter for local resources and call the National Hotline at 1-800-799-7233 or go to

Take a small action today.


Always on your side,

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