Tip #1 – Live Well!

In a few months, I will be 69.

When I turned 30, I was sad. No one told me the best years were ahead. The media and culture told me that my best years were past.

Word to younger people, your age is just a number AND the best years can be ahead if you plan for them to be.


This is Tip #1 – Stay healthy with exercise and nutrition.

What does health mean to you?

We each have a different definition of health. We even have different definitions of exercise.

There was a time when I did not care a lick about exercise. Was I not running around enough being cook, chauffeur, and “carer” of everyone whose shadow crossed my stoop and so much more?

At almost 69, I have taken full responsibility for my bones, organs and spirit.

I urge you to:

  1. Get a check up.
  2. Arrange a mammogram and Pap test.
  3. Use birth control if you don’t want any more children, or even if you don’t want children at all. Women have the right to choose to become pregnant. 
  4. Find a thing you like and do it a few mins a few times a week.
  5. Spend a few mins reading. Turn away from the screens.
  6. Add more greens and crunchy vegetables to your meals.

There is so much more and if you start here, you are ahead of the game!

Will you commit to your health?

I’ll have 9 more tips to share with you in the coming weeks….stay tuned!

Always on your side,


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