
“There are two ways forward, and both are up to us: First, we can start paying more attention (rewarding) good behavior. And second, we can start modeling precisely the sort of discourse and contributions we hope to see from others. The best antidote to a culture shifting to bad behavior is to re-normalize good behavior.”

This excerpt is from Seth Godin and he was talking about bad internet behavior. However, this paragraph applies 100% to abusive behaviors.

On this last day of Mental Health Awareness Month, let’s be extra aware of how we are being treated or how we treat others.

We must model good and respectful behavior to our children.

We must talk about behaviors that do not support a peaceful environment. Don’t want your kids to curse? Stop cursing.

Don’t want your kids to grow up to accept or dole out violence? Stop accepting or doling it out at home.

Like to hit kids with belts and other items? Try hitting yourself with the same force. Don’t know how hard you hit? Ask your best friend if you could try it out on them.

Think I am absurd?

Good, because continuing bad behavior and denying it absurd.

Always on your side,


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